A few opening words on a little discussion that may go forward for many days ahead…..
For many years I have been accumulating reflections and ideas about life on this planet Earth that are just itching to get out to other humanoids. So, starting today, and more extensively in the days to follow, I will be sharing perspectives, opinions, viewpoints and suggestions that I am lucky to share through this medium. I hope that this story and the many little chapters in it will stimulate you the reader in helpful, positive, funny ways, even if sometimes a little irritatingly.
HEARTHOCK loves the Earth, the universe in which it hangs out, and all of the creatures that roam around around the surface of our glorious globe.
My views are personal. They are only intended to incite fresh thoughts or actions in regards to many challenges and opportunities that we face together. I hope this will lead to new dialogues and will make you laugh out loud much more often than before.
Good eve!