
Baxter is heavy on our minds these days. While he has surpassed the typical lifespan of a beagle at 15 years of age, until recently he has been full of energy and vitality.  We knew he had a mass of some sort growing in his belly.  It now seems that it may by a cancer involving his liver. He has lost considerable weight over the past few months, along with his appetite and vigour.  We fear that his days are truly numbered.  Making it effectively into the fall months will be a major accomplishment. Thus far, he is simply more listless, less eager to eat his favourite foods or walk very far in the outdoors. He does not appear to have pain.  He still has gastrointestinal and urinary functions.  He still likes his home, his back yard, his bed and his “parents”.

Baxter illustrates rather perfectly the incredible bond that develops between pets and owners.  He is a real part of the family, with his own curious personality, his own idiosyncrasies, and his own special ways of giving love. He is a calm dog with almost non-existent anger.  He is happiest when outside, smelling and walking, smelling and walking, smelling and walking.  All beasts, including humans and dogs started their evolution outdoors and it still shows vividly.  On the grass, among the trees and bushes, by the beach, greeting new dog-friends, and being adored by onlookers and transient adult friends, these are his favourites. He will be remembered for his magnificently cute face…….a face to which it is impossible to say no!  He will be remembered for his occasional bark, more of a howl, that is reserved for getting attention if he is accidentally left out on the patio, or for urging one to provide him with another tasty morsel of human food.  Yes, he likes human food and Lucy’s cat food better than almost any of his dog food.  Baxter will be remembered for good humour, for gentleness, and adaptable, serene efforts to be a good family member.

I know it is a little early to be writing what could be construed as an obituary for Baxter.  It is not an obituary.  It is a short piece to let Baxter know how much we love him.  I always wished I could speak and write “dog” and/or that Baxter could speak or understand “human” language, beyond the love expressed in body language and tone of voice.  But I do believe that he will feel the warmth of these words to the core of his special soul, right now, while he is alive.

One Reply to “Baxter”

  1. awww papa </3
    i'm so glad baxter has you as a friend/dad. i'm sorry he is sick but i'm so glad youve had time together in this life. love to you both xo

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