Golf and Mental Health

Today is just another day.  But wait, another day is amazing.  And, today the Beach Grove Golf Club reopened for Members. There was an absolute frenzy as people signed up for slots beginning mid-morning. The course is in great shape for this much delayed “opening day”.

There is much more to say about this day and golf. There are many local, national and international indicators of the obverse reactions of people to the stress of being closed up in their homes. These indicators are in part a barometer for mental health status.

Although there are many different perspectives on how and when to “reopen” various aspects of our lives, perhaps the most obviously helpful step was the opening of many golf courses. It is widely believed that golf, properly played in the COVID19 days of this spring, is one of the best activities to assuage poor mental and physical health status.  It is filled with a sense of belonging, many breaths of fresh air, many rays of sunshine, a good long walk pushing a cart, swinging and loosening up those shoulders, and laughing at those early season missed shots. This is nothing but wonderful for the hearts and souls of men, women and juniors.  All ages are out and about, safely.  Even the many birds……blackbirds, robins, wrens, swallows, crows, gulls, ducks, geese, hawks and eagles to name a few…….seem a little happier with their human friends in the mix.

We can than be thankful that a wee-Scot invented the game of golf quite long ago. Little did we know that golf would play such an important role in our emergence from a lock-down.  Cheers to all!

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